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Science, Technology and Innovation Policy


Technology and Innovation

The technology innovation cluster studies policies related to science, technology, and innovation. Incentive policies motivate science and technology advancement which improves the living standards and economic performance, while regulatory policies prevent human beings from hazardous effects of science and technology progress, e.g., pollution, data security, and income inequality. Formulating appropriate and effective policies requires interdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration among experts of different professions. 


Faculty members of subclusters (in alphabetic order of last names)

Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy:  Kira MATUS, Naubahar SHARIF, Xun WU, Yan XU, Masaru YARIME
Sustainability Science: Magdalena KLEMUN, Kira MATUS, Ye QI, Xun WU, Masaru YARIME
Machine Learning and Big Data: Donald How Tian LOW, Kira MATUS, Masaru YARIME, Pengyu ZHU
Regulation of Emerging Technologies: King Lau CHOW, Kira MATUS
Intellectual Property Right: Edwin LAI, Naubahar SHARIF, Xun WU
Information Technology Policy: Yan XU, Masaru YARIME


Selected Technology and Innovation Research Projects

Selected Research Project

Funding Agency


Research on the Alignment of Science, Technology and Innovation Rules in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao (Ongoing)

Guangzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau

Prof. Xun WU

(Principal Investigator)

Accelerating the Development of a Global Innovation and Technology Hub in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area: The Roles of Public Research Universities in Hong Kong (Ongoing)

Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Hong Kong SAR Government

Prof. Xun WU

(Principal Investigator),

Prof. Edwin LAI


Prof. Masaru YARIME,

(Co-investigator) and

Prof. Naubahar SHARIF


Innovation and Access to Technology for Sustainable Development: The Role of Public Policy Actors (Ongoing)

Hong Kong RGC (GRF)

Prof. Kira MATUS

(Principal Investigator)

Governance of Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainable Smart Cities (2021)

The ASPIRE League Partnership Seed Fund

Prof. Masaru YARIME

(Principal Investigator)

Risk Perception of AI in Indian Construction Industry (2019-2021)


Prof. Kira MATUS

(Principal Investigator)

A Study on Open Innovation in Guangzhou: Current Status and Policy Recommendations (2019)

Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Guangzhou, China

Prof. Xun WU

(Principal Investigator)

A Comparative Study on Innovation Policies in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Silicon Valley, Israel, South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong (2019)

Science, Technology and Innovation Commission of Guangzhou, China

Prof. Xun WU

(Principal Investigator)

A Comparative Study of the Science and Technology Funding Systems and Project Management in Hong Kong and Mainland (2019)

Department of Resource Allocation and Management, Ministry of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Xun WU

(Principal Investigator)