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Recent Publications

Huang, C.* and Sharif, Naubahar (2021). Intellectual Property Rights Protection. In X. Fu, C. Jin, and B. McKern (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of China Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 


Sharif, Naubahar* and Chandra, Kevin. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen Within the Greater Bay Area Initiative. Science and Public Policy, scab059.  


Sharif, NaubaharChandra, Kevin, Mansoor, A., and Sinha, K. B. (2021). A comparative analysis of research and development spending and total factor productivity growth in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Singapore. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 57, 108-120. 


Shi, L., Shi, C., Wu, Xun, and Ma, L. (2021). Accelerating the development of smart city initiatives amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of health code in China. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 29 March 2021. 


Wang, J., Chandra, Kevin, Du, C., Ding, W., and Wu, Xun (2021). Assessing the Potential of Cross-border regional innovation Systems: A case study of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen region. Technology in Society, 65, 101557. 


Barrett, B. F. D., DeWit, A., and Yarime, Masaru (2021). Japanese smart cities and communities: Integrating technological and institutional innovation for Society 5.0. In H. M. Kim, S. Sabri, and A. Kent (Eds.), Smart Cities for Technological and Social Innovation (pp. 73-94). London: Academic Press. 


Li, V. Q. T. and Yarime, Masaru (2021). Increasing resilience via the use of personal data: Lessons from COVID-19 dashboards on data governance for the public good. Data and Policy, 3, e29. 


Papyshev, G. and Yarime, Masaru (2021). Exploring city digital twins as policy tools: A task-based approach to generating synthetic data on urban mobility. Data and Policy, 3, e16. 


Sakuma, N., Trencher, T., Yarime, Masaru, and Onuki. M. (2021). A comparison of smart city research and practice in Sweden and Japan: trends and opportunities identified from a literature review and co-occurrence network analysis. Sustainability Science, 16(6), 1777–1796. 

Choi, Hyunhong and Koo, Y. (2021). Effectiveness of battery electric vehicle promotion on particulate matter emissions reduction. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 93, 102758. 


Oryani, B., Koo, Y., Shafiee, A., Rezania, S., Jung, J., Choi, Hyunhong, and Khan, M. H. (2022). Heterogeneous preferences for EVs: Evidence from Iran. Renewable Energy, 181, 675-691. 


Lejarraga, I., Matus, Kira J. M., Mulugetta, Y., Stephenson, M., Yarime, Masaru, and Zhan, J. (2021). SusTech solutions: enabling new technologies to drive sustainable development. G20 Insight, Think 20 Italy 2021 Task Force 4 – Digital Transformation.  


Matus, Kira J. M. (2021). Factoring in Public Policy and Perception. In T. Clark and A. Pasternak (Eds.), How to Commercialize Chemical Technologies for a Sustainable Future (pp. 103-118). New Jersey: Wiley. 


Matus, Kira J. M., Veale, M. (2021). Certification systems for machine learning: Lessons from sustainability. Regulation and Governance, rego.12417. 


Dong, C., Qi, Ye, and Nemet, G. (2021). A government approach to address coal overcapacity in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278, 123417. 


Guo, S., Song, Q., and Qi, Ye (2021). Innovation or implementation? Local response to low-carbon policy experimentation in China. Review of Policy Research, 38(5)., 555-569. 


Klemun, Magdalena, Kavlak, G., McNerney, J., and Trancik, J. (2021). Mechanisms of hardware and soft technology evolution and the implications for solar energy cost trends. Working Paper. 


Liu, T., Song, Q., LU, J., and Qi, Ye (2021). An integrated approach to evaluating the coupling coordination degree between low-carbon development and air quality in Chinese cities. Advances in Climate Change Research, 12(5).: 710-722. 


Liu, T., Wang, Y., Li, H., and Qi, Ye (2021). China's low-carbon governance at community level: A case study in Min'an community, Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 311, 127530. 


Song, Q., Liu, T., and Qi, Ye (2021). Policy innovation in low carbon pilot cities: lessons learned from China. Urban Climate, 39, 100936. 


Zhu, M., Qi, Ye, and Hultman, N. (2021). Low-carbon energy transition from the commanding heights: How state-owned enterprises drive China's wind power “miracle”. Energy Research & Social Science, 85, 102392. 


Li, H., Wang, X., Zhao, Xiaofan, and Qi, Ye (2021). Understanding systemic risk induced by climate change. Advances in Climate Change Research, 12(3), 384-394. 


Qi, Ye, Zhou, D., Zhao, Xiaofan, Li, H., Wang, Y., and Wang, B. (2021). Enhancing Climate Risk Governance in China. UK-China Collaboration on Climate Risk Assessment (Phase III). Available at: 


Shapiro, M. A. and Yarime, Masaru (2021). Effects of national affiliations and international collaboration on scientific findings: The case of transboundary air pollution in Northeast Asia. Environmental Science & Policy, 118, 71-85. 


Spandagos, C., Baark, E., Ng, T. L., and Yarime, Masaru (2021). Social influence and economic intervention policies to save energy at home: Critical questions for the new decade and evidence from air-condition use. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 143, 110915. 


He, J., Li, Z., Zhang, X., Wang, H., Dong, W., Du, E., Chang, S., Ou, X., Guo, S., Tian, Z., Gu, A., Teng, F., Hu, B., Yang, X., Chen, S., Yao, M., Yuan, Z., Zhou, L., Zhao, Xiaofan, Li, Y., Zhang, D. (2022). Towards carbon neutrality: A study on China's long-term low-carbon transition pathways and strategies. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 9, 100134. 


He, J., Wang H., and Zhao, Xiaofan (2021). Chapter 10: Strategic Linchpins and Policy Safeguards. In Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University et al (Eds.), China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies and Pathways. Singapore: Springer. 


Wang, H., Zhao, Xiaofan, and He, J., (2021). Chapter 9: Long-Term Low-Carbon Transition Pathways. In Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University et al (Eds.), China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies and Pathways. Singapore: Springer. 


Wang, H., Zhao, Xiaofan, and He, J. (2021). Chapter 11: Global Climate Governance and International Cooperation. In Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University et al (Eds.), China's Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategies and Pathways. Singapore: Springer. 


Zhao, Xiaofan, Qi, Y., and Li, J. (2022). 氣候變化風險評估體系的國際經驗以及對我國的啟示. 環境保護. 49(8)., 39-42.  

Qiang, W., Lin, Z., Zhu, Pengyu, Wu, K., and Lee, H. F. (2021). Shrinking Cities, Urban Expansion, And Air Pollution In China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129308. 


Zhu, Pengyu (2021). Does high-speed rail stimulate urban land growth? Experience from China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 98, 102974. 


Zhu, Pengyu and Guo, Y. (2021). The Role of High-speed Rail and Air Travel in the Spread of COVID-19 in China. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 42, 102097. 


Zhu, Pengyu and Haoyu Mo. (2022). The Potential of Ride-pooling in VKT Reduction and its Environmental Implications. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 103, 103155. 


Zhu, Pengyu and Tan, X. (2021). Is compulsory home quarantine less effective than centralized quarantine in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak? Evidence from Hong Kong. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74, 103222. 


Zhu, Pengyu, Songnian Zhao & Yanpeng Jiang. (2021). Residential Segregation, Built Environment and Commuting Outcomes: Experience from Contemporary China. Transport Policy

Channon, M. D., Puri, M., Gietel-Basten, Stuart, Stone, L. W., and Channon, A. A. (2015). Prevalence and correlates of sex-selective abortions and missing girls in Nepal: evidence from the 2011 Population Census and 2016 Demographic and Health Survey. BMJ Open, 11(3), e042542. 


Gietel-Basten, Stuart (2021). Adopting an adaptation‑mitigation‑resilience framework to ageing. Age and Ageing, 50(3)., 693-696. 

Gietel-Basten, Stuart, Mau, V., Scherbov, S., and Shulgin, S. (2021). The Gender Gap in Reaching “Old Age” in the Russian Federation: A Regional Approach. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 33(6)., 600-610. 


Gietel-Basten, Stuart and Verropoulou, G. (2021). (Un) married with children? Exploring marriage between parities in Hong Kong. Asian Population Studies, 


Marois, G., Gietel-Basten, Stuart, and Lutz, W. (2021). China's low fertility may not hinder future prosperity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(40)., e2108900118. 


Gietel-Basten, Stuart (2021). Epilogue: Global Political Demography—A Depressing Outlook? In Achim Goerres and Pieter Vanhuysse (Eds), Global Political Demography (pp. 429). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.