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Google Scholar: RTE4QJwAAAAJ
Scopus ID: 14822416300
Prof. Naubahar SHARIF
PhD in Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
Acting Head and Professor, Division of Public Policy
Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design
Co-Director, Master of Public Policy

Research Areas

Innovation Policy

Research Interests

Innovation and technology policy in Hong Kong and China
Belt and Road initiative


Naubahar Sharif (Ph.D., Cornell University, 2005) is Professor of Public Policy at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research interests include science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in Hong Kong and within the ‘Greater Bay Area’ of Southern China; automation in China; and the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. In 2011 he completed the Executive Education program in Innovation for Economic Development at Harvard University. A dedicated teacher, at HKUST he has been nominated for the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching, also having won the Interdisciplinary Programs Office’s Teaching Excellence Award (in 2020), the School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) Best Teacher Award (twice, in 2009 and 2016), and one of his courses was nominated for the Common Core Excellence award. Naubahar has been awarded both ‘Public Policy Research’ (PPR) and ‘General Research Fund’ (GRF) grants by Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council (RGC). Currently, Naubahar is a co-investigator for two ‘Strategic Public Policy Research’ (SPPR) grants awarded by Hong Kong’s Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) as well as a cross-institutional ‘Collaborative Research Fund’ (CRF) grant also awarded by the RGC. He has had numerous articles published in leading journals including Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, The China Journal, and Science, Technology and Human Values. From 2006–2010, Naubahar consulted for Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). Naubahar’s research has had a demonstrable impact on business and his research was one of HKUST’s few ‘impact case study’ submissions (sole-authored) for its 2020 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). He frequently writes opinion pieces for local newspapers including the China Daily (Hong Kong Edition) and the South China Morning Post, and he has been featured in local print media as well as local television. On a voluntary basis, Naubahar presently serves as a Distinguished Research Fellow at a private independent school in Hong Kong, as Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), as a Council Member for the Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA), as Senior Advisor to The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science & Civilisation (Hong Kong), as a Member of the HKSAR Government Advisory Committee on Mental Health, and as an Appointed Member of the HKSAR Government’s Mental Health Review Tribunal.


  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Kevin Chandra. “A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen Within the Greater Bay Area Initiative.” Science and Public Policy (2021): Forthcoming. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scab059
  • Huang, Can* and Naubahar Sharif. “Intellectual Property Rights Protection.” in Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, edited by Xiaolan Fu, Chen Jin, Bruce McKern (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021): [Forthcoming].
  • Linzhou Xing Jack and Sharif, Naubahar*. “From Creative Destruction to Creative Appropriation: A Comprehensive Framework.” Research Policy 49, no.7 (2020): Article 104060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104060
  • Lau, Antonio K.W.*, Yuya Kajikawa and Naubahar Sharif. “The roles of supply network centralities on firm performance, moderation of reputation and export-orientation.” Production, Planning & Control 31, no.13 (2020): 1110-1127. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2019.1700569
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Linzhou Xing Jack. “Restricted Generalizability of City Innovation Policies: The Case of E-Hailing in China.” Science and Public Policy 46, Issue 6, (2019): 805-819. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scz044
  • Sharif, Naubahar and Yu Huang*. “Industrial Automation in China’s ‘Workshop of the World’.” The China Journal 81, no.1 (2019): 1-22.
  • Huang, Can* and Naubahar Sharif. “Global Technology Leadership: The Case of China.” Science and Public Policy 43, no.1 (2016): 62-73.
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Hayes Tang. “New Trends in Innovation Strategy at Chinese Universities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.” International Journal of Technology Management 65, nos.1/2/3/4 (2014): 300-318.
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Can Huang. “Innovation Strategy, Firm Survival and Relocation: The Case of Hong Kong-Owned Manufacturing in Guangdong Province, China.” Research Policy 41, no.1 (2012): 69–78.
  • Sharif, Naubahar. “Rhetoric of Innovation Policymaking in Hong Kong Using the Innovation Systems Conceptual Approach.” Science, Technology and Human Values 35, no.3 (2010): 408–434.
  • Huang, Can and Naubahar Sharif*. “Manufacturing Dynamics and Spillovers: The Case of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (HKMT).” Research Policy 38, no.5 (2009): 813–828.
Prof. Naubahar SHARIF
PhD in Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University
Acting Head and Professor, Division of Public Policy
Professor, Division of Integrative Systems and Design
Co-Director, Master of Public Policy
Innovation Policy
Innovation and technology policy in Hong Kong and China
Belt and Road initiative

Naubahar Sharif (Ph.D., Cornell University, 2005) is Professor of Public Policy at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). His research interests include science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in Hong Kong and within the ‘Greater Bay Area’ of Southern China; automation in China; and the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. In 2011 he completed the Executive Education program in Innovation for Economic Development at Harvard University. A dedicated teacher, at HKUST he has been nominated for the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching, also having won the Interdisciplinary Programs Office’s Teaching Excellence Award (in 2020), the School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS) Best Teacher Award (twice, in 2009 and 2016), and one of his courses was nominated for the Common Core Excellence award. Naubahar has been awarded both ‘Public Policy Research’ (PPR) and ‘General Research Fund’ (GRF) grants by Hong Kong’s Research Grants Council (RGC). Currently, Naubahar is a co-investigator for two ‘Strategic Public Policy Research’ (SPPR) grants awarded by Hong Kong’s Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) as well as a cross-institutional ‘Collaborative Research Fund’ (CRF) grant also awarded by the RGC. He has had numerous articles published in leading journals including Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, The China Journal, and Science, Technology and Human Values. From 2006–2010, Naubahar consulted for Hong Kong’s Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC). Naubahar’s research has had a demonstrable impact on business and his research was one of HKUST’s few ‘impact case study’ submissions (sole-authored) for its 2020 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). He frequently writes opinion pieces for local newspapers including the China Daily (Hong Kong Edition) and the South China Morning Post, and he has been featured in local print media as well as local television. On a voluntary basis, Naubahar presently serves as a Distinguished Research Fellow at a private independent school in Hong Kong, as Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), as a Council Member for the Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA), as Senior Advisor to The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science & Civilisation (Hong Kong), as a Member of the HKSAR Government Advisory Committee on Mental Health, and as an Appointed Member of the HKSAR Government’s Mental Health Review Tribunal.


  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Kevin Chandra. “A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen Within the Greater Bay Area Initiative.” Science and Public Policy (2021): Forthcoming. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scab059
  • Huang, Can* and Naubahar Sharif. “Intellectual Property Rights Protection.” in Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, edited by Xiaolan Fu, Chen Jin, Bruce McKern (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021): [Forthcoming].
  • Linzhou Xing Jack and Sharif, Naubahar*. “From Creative Destruction to Creative Appropriation: A Comprehensive Framework.” Research Policy 49, no.7 (2020): Article 104060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2020.104060
  • Lau, Antonio K.W.*, Yuya Kajikawa and Naubahar Sharif. “The roles of supply network centralities on firm performance, moderation of reputation and export-orientation.” Production, Planning & Control 31, no.13 (2020): 1110-1127. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2019.1700569
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Linzhou Xing Jack. “Restricted Generalizability of City Innovation Policies: The Case of E-Hailing in China.” Science and Public Policy 46, Issue 6, (2019): 805-819. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scz044
  • Sharif, Naubahar and Yu Huang*. “Industrial Automation in China’s ‘Workshop of the World’.” The China Journal 81, no.1 (2019): 1-22.
  • Huang, Can* and Naubahar Sharif. “Global Technology Leadership: The Case of China.” Science and Public Policy 43, no.1 (2016): 62-73.
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Hayes Tang. “New Trends in Innovation Strategy at Chinese Universities in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.” International Journal of Technology Management 65, nos.1/2/3/4 (2014): 300-318.
  • Sharif, Naubahar* and Can Huang. “Innovation Strategy, Firm Survival and Relocation: The Case of Hong Kong-Owned Manufacturing in Guangdong Province, China.” Research Policy 41, no.1 (2012): 69–78.
  • Sharif, Naubahar. “Rhetoric of Innovation Policymaking in Hong Kong Using the Innovation Systems Conceptual Approach.” Science, Technology and Human Values 35, no.3 (2010): 408–434.
  • Huang, Can and Naubahar Sharif*. “Manufacturing Dynamics and Spillovers: The Case of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan (HKMT).” Research Policy 38, no.5 (2009): 813–828.