3469 2558
Room 4616H
Google Scholar: zR0MEP8AAAAJ
Scopus ID:
Prof. Magdalena KLEMUN
PhD in Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor, Division of Public Policy

Research Areas

Research Interests

Energy systems
Technological change
Climate policy


Magdalena Klemun is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Public Policy. Prior to joining HKUST, Magdalena was a postdoctoral associate at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research interests are in understanding how the economic and environmental performance of technologies evolves as a function of policy and engineering design choices, with a particular interest in the role of hardware vs. non-hardware ('soft') innovations. Magdalena received her Ph.D. from IDSS at MIT, M.S. in Earth Resources Engineering from Columbia University, where she studied as a Fulbright Scholar, and her B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Vienna University of Technology.


  • Eash-Gates, P., Klemun, M.M., Kavlak, G., McNerney, J., Buongiorno, J. and Trancik, J.E., 2020. Sources of Cost Overrun in Nuclear Power Plant Construction Call for a New Approach to Engineering Design. Joule, 4(11), pp.2348-2373.
  • Klemun, M.M., Edwards, M.R. and Trancik, J.E., 2020. Research priorities for supporting subnational climate policies. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 11(6), p.e646.
  • Bush, B., Hanes, R., Hunter, C., Hughes, C., Mann, M., Newes, E., Arent, D., Baldwin, S., Baker, E., Clarke, L., Gabriel, S., Henrion, M., Klemun, M., Marangoni, G., Nemet, G., Newman, A., Paich, M., Popper, S., Way, R., 2020. Workshop Report on Methods for R&D Portfolio Analysis and Evaluation (No. NREL/TP-6A20-75314). National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States).
  • Klemun, M.M. and Trancik, J.E., 2019. Timelines for mitigating the methane impacts of using natural gas for carbon dioxide abatement. Environmental Research Letters, 14(12), p.124069.
  • Schweikert, A., Nield, L., Otto, E., Klemun, M., Ojanpera, S. and Deinert, M., 2019. Vulnerabilities of Networked Energy Infrastructure: A Primer. The World Bank.
  • Edwards, M.R., Klemun, M.M., Kim, H.C., Wallington, T.J., Winkler, S.L., Tamor, M.A. and Trancik, J.E., 2017. Vehicle emissions of short-lived and long-lived climate forcers: trends and tradeoffs. Faraday Discussions, 200, pp.453-474.
  • Fletcher, S.M., Miotti, M., Swaminathan, J., Klemun, M.M., Strzepek, K. and Siddiqi, A., 2017. Water supply infrastructure planning: decision-making framework to classify multiple uncertainties and evaluate flexible design. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(10), p.04017061.
Prof. Magdalena KLEMUN
PhD in Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Assistant Professor, Division of Public Policy
3469 2558
Room 4616H
Google Scholar: zR0MEP8AAAAJ
Scopus ID:
Energy systems
Technological change
Climate policy

Magdalena Klemun is an Assistant Professor at the Division of Public Policy. Prior to joining HKUST, Magdalena was a postdoctoral associate at the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Her research interests are in understanding how the economic and environmental performance of technologies evolves as a function of policy and engineering design choices, with a particular interest in the role of hardware vs. non-hardware ('soft') innovations. Magdalena received her Ph.D. from IDSS at MIT, M.S. in Earth Resources Engineering from Columbia University, where she studied as a Fulbright Scholar, and her B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Vienna University of Technology.


  • Eash-Gates, P., Klemun, M.M., Kavlak, G., McNerney, J., Buongiorno, J. and Trancik, J.E., 2020. Sources of Cost Overrun in Nuclear Power Plant Construction Call for a New Approach to Engineering Design. Joule, 4(11), pp.2348-2373.
  • Klemun, M.M., Edwards, M.R. and Trancik, J.E., 2020. Research priorities for supporting subnational climate policies. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 11(6), p.e646.
  • Bush, B., Hanes, R., Hunter, C., Hughes, C., Mann, M., Newes, E., Arent, D., Baldwin, S., Baker, E., Clarke, L., Gabriel, S., Henrion, M., Klemun, M., Marangoni, G., Nemet, G., Newman, A., Paich, M., Popper, S., Way, R., 2020. Workshop Report on Methods for R&D Portfolio Analysis and Evaluation (No. NREL/TP-6A20-75314). National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States).
  • Klemun, M.M. and Trancik, J.E., 2019. Timelines for mitigating the methane impacts of using natural gas for carbon dioxide abatement. Environmental Research Letters, 14(12), p.124069.
  • Schweikert, A., Nield, L., Otto, E., Klemun, M., Ojanpera, S. and Deinert, M., 2019. Vulnerabilities of Networked Energy Infrastructure: A Primer. The World Bank.
  • Edwards, M.R., Klemun, M.M., Kim, H.C., Wallington, T.J., Winkler, S.L., Tamor, M.A. and Trancik, J.E., 2017. Vehicle emissions of short-lived and long-lived climate forcers: trends and tradeoffs. Faraday Discussions, 200, pp.453-474.
  • Fletcher, S.M., Miotti, M., Swaminathan, J., Klemun, M.M., Strzepek, K. and Siddiqi, A., 2017. Water supply infrastructure planning: decision-making framework to classify multiple uncertainties and evaluate flexible design. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 143(10), p.04017061.